HOW HIGH WILL MY BEDLOFT BE? The final height of the bedloft is determined by two factors: the height of our riser (36in.), and the height of the university supplied bed. Our bed risers are three feet high, and are not adjustable up and down. However, most of the university supplied beds (except Old Dominion) are adjustable, and can be raised anywhere from 1-3 feet. Therefore, the final height of your bedloft can be set anywhere from 4-6 feet. Watch the video below to see how to adjust the height of your bed after you arrive on campus.
DO YOU SUPPLY A LADDER? Our bed loft does NOT require the use of an additional ladder or step stool to get in and out of the bed. Our patented metal frame has an integrated 'ladder-back' system which allows the student to climb right up either side of the loft. After all, you just paid us to give you MORE SPACE in your room! Why would we want to clutter up all that extra floor space with a ladder???
WHAT IF I HAVE A HISTORY OF FALLING OUT OF BED? If you have a history of falling out of bed, please DO NOT ORDER A BEDLOFT! Our bedlofts are the safest out there; however, if you have a problem with falling out of bed, you probably don’t want to be higher. However, if you do rent a bedloft, but just want a little extra peace of mind, we do offer an optional bed safety rail that can be added on to your order to prevent you from rolling out of the bed.
WILL I NEED ANY TOOLS TO ASSEMBLE MY BEDLOFT? No. All of your items will already be safely assembled in your room by one of our trained representatives.
HOW STURDY ARE THE BEDLOFTS? Our lofts are rated to hold weight up to 1000 pounds! The example here shows 3 guys with a combined weight over 700 lbs! As you can see, our frames are extremely safe and sturdy!
DO THE MICROFRIDGES HAVE A LOCK ON THEM? Our microfridges do NOT have a lock on them. As such, you should be prepared for your last soda to go missing from time to time. It's just a fact of college living. Sometimes your roommate is gonna steal your food. And you'll repay the favor when you get a hankerin' for their last slice of pizza at 3am. You are allowed to have only one microfridge per room so you'll need to learn to how to share.
CAN I SEPARATE THE MICROWAVE AND REFRIGERATOR? You CANNOT remove the microwave from atop the refrigerator. These pieces are bolted together as one solid unit. Do not attempt to separate the microwave from the unit. If you somehow detach the microwave, you will be charged a $50 re-assembly fee.
DO I NEED TO CLEAN MY MICROFRIDGE BEFORE IT'S RETRIEVED? Yes, with college comes more responsibility, and as such you are responsible for leaving your unit in good shape. This means you must: remove all moisture from both the refrigerator and freezer sections of the unit, clean the microwave plate, wipe down the inside of the microwave with a little soap or 409 grease cutter, and most importantly leave the unit unplugged from the wall and the doors open to allow it to properly defrost. You will be charged additional cleaning fees for leaving it excessively dirty!
WHAT BRAND TVS DO YOU OFFER? In order to keep your cost low, we supply a range of name brand televisions. Our suppliers range from Samsung, Vizio, LG, Element, Westinghouse, etc. We don't know what specific brand will end up in your room, but since all of our TVs are HD and have the same excellent capabilities, no matter which TV you receive you can rest assured that you are getting the best there is to offer.
... BUT DOESN'T BRAND MATTER? ABSOLUTELY - when you are BUYING a television, but not when you are RENTING one. When you purchase a television, you want to make sure that you are getting a TV last is going to last you for many years to come. But when you rent, you just need a TV that is going to be working for a year! In the unlikely event that the television stops workingduring the school year, simply notify us and we'll come bring you a replacement. That's peace of mind you can count on!
WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 720p AND 1080p? Resolution is the primary factor that determines the sharpness of an image. Basically, it's the difference between high definition and low definition. and is noticed when viewing at different distances and screen size. Most college dorm rooms are equipped with a wall cable outlet that broadcasts digital cable in 480p. Our tvs go a step farther and offer at least 720p on our 32" model, and the two larger models display in 1080p. For more information regarding TV size, Resolution and Viewing Distance please read more here.
WILL THESE TVS BE ABLE TO CONNECT TO VIDEO GAME CONSOLES? Yes! Our televisions are compatible with any device that uses composite A/A cables (the ones that are red, white, and yellow) or an HDMI output (the industry gold standard for high definition content). These connectors are pretty universal for any video game console. The HDMI connectivity means that students are also able to connect their laptops to their television, giving them a large screen on which to watch lectures, stream movies, practice powerpoint presentations and much more.
WHAT IF I HAVEN'T BEEN ASSIGNED A ROOMMATE YET? That's fine. Just go ahead and put in your reservation online. You can email or call us later once you do find out your room number.
ARE YOU SHIPPING THESE ITEMS TO MY HOME ADDRESS? No. We deliver all your items directly to your dorm room on campus. If you see mention of a 'shipping address' on the Paypal payment form, just ignore it.
WHEN WILL MY ITEMS BE DELIVERED? If you place your order by August 1st, we should be able to have your items delivered and installed prior to your arrival on campus. If you place your order before August 15th, we will still try to deliver and install your items prior to your move-in day, however, we only guarantee delivery before the start of classes. You may still place an order at any time after August 15th, and delivery is typically able to happen within a few days. If you arrive on campus, and your items have not been installed, DO NOT FREAK OUT! Instead, please contact us to schedule an appointment for installation. Often we are able to deliver within a day or so, or even just a few hours, of your arrival on campus.
WHAT IF I HAVE AN EARLY ARRIVAL? If you are a student that has an early arrival prior to move-in day, we will try to accommodate you as best we can; however, due to school regulations and scheduling, this is not always possible. Please let us know if you are arriving early when you confirm your order. If you arrive at school and your furniture has not been installed, please contact us to schedule an appointment for installation.
CAN I ORDER SOMETHING AFTER I GET TO SCHOOL? Yes. We accept orders all year long. We aim to get all orders installed as quickly as possible, and many orders can often be filled within 72 hours. However, depending on what we have in stock, it could take as long as 2-3 weeks for delivery. Please understand that if you wait to place an order until after you arrive at school, you'll need to be patient. It's best to place orders prior to your arrival on campus.
ARE THERE ANY "HIDDEN FEES" I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT? Every order that we process is subject to State Sales and Use Tax. This is automatically tacked on to every order and unfortunately there is no way that we can help you avoid paying these taxes. The other item that is added onto every order is Accidental Damage Insurance($10/item). Unlike the mandatory Sales & Use Tax, this coverage completely optional; however, because 99% of customers opt to take this insurance rather than pay a security deposit ($500), we simply go ahead and apply the insurance to each order. You can read more about damage insurance and security deposits below. Our payment processor also charges a small fee for handling the transaction, but we do not have any control over their pricing structure.
DO YOU OFFER INSURANCE AGAINST DAMAGE? Yes, we do. We know that accidents happen (and somehow they tend to happen more often when dealing with college students). In order to keep our rental prices low, insurance is calculated at a flat rate of $10/item and automatically applied to each order. Insurance covers you against any accidental damage* that our furniture might sustain while in your room. This $10 one-time premium guards you against having to pay us any "Damage Fees" (specific fee amounts are located in our Terms of Service). If you would prefer to prefer pay a security deposit ($500), in lieu of taking the insurance, please email us at *Insurance does not cover damage due to: intentional acts, gross negligence, vandalism, theft, or other criminal activity. Insurance does not cover the cost of an additional item rental to replace the one that was broken. If you would like a replacement for the futon that you broke, then you will need to place a new order.
DO YOU REQUIRE A SECURITY DEPOSIT? No we do not. However, if you wish to opt out of our accidental damage insurance program, then you may choose to pay a fully refundable, $500 security deposit. At the end of the year, if your items are missing or returned damaged, we will use your security deposit to cover the cost of repairs or replacement. If you wish to opt out of the insurance program in favor of paying the security deposit, then please notify us in the "Special instructions" of your order. However, if you choose this option, you will be 100% responsible for ANY damage that our property might sustain while in your possession, even if it's accidental.
CAN I TAKE MY ITEMS WITH ME IF I CHANGE ROOMS DURING THE YEAR? Yes. There are 2 methods to do this. 1.) You can move the furniture yourself (this is the free option). 2.) We can move the furniture for you ($30 trip surcharge plus $20/item). Regardless of which method you choose, you MUST NOTIFY US which room you are moving to so that we may update your information in our system. If we show up at the end of the year and your rented items are missing from your original room and you have failed to notify us about a room change, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for paying the Replacement Fee.
IF I CANCEL MY ORDER EARLY, CAN I GET A REFUND? It depends on when you cancel your order. Check out our RETURNS page for more information